Monday, February 14, 2011

Assignment One: The Future Of Blogging & The Fashion Industry

The fashion industry has turned many corners and taken many new approaches with the help of technology. No longer do we have to rely on the written words of editors alone in order to access new trends, upcoming styles, and fashion forecasts. We now also have the opportunity to hear from  bloggers! Blogging has not only reached an all-time high in popularity, but it has taken over the internet in ways of news, fashion, politics, business, and all sorts of avenues. It most certainly is the future of fashion literature. According to Murray Newslands, the top tens blogs are as followed:

1. Fashionista
2. Frugal-Fashionista
3. The Sartorialist
4. Omiru
5.The Cherry Blossom Girl
6. GoFugYourself
9. Fashion Toast
10.Manolo the Shoe Blogger

With the uprising of fashion blogs over magazines, and virtual shopping over actual shopping, you can't help to wonder what's next!  Many of these blogs not only tell you what's in fashion, but where to buy it simply by the click of a button. Let's see a magazine do that!

Although you would think that blogging is this new, exciting trend that everyone is doing and had just exploded amongst young people like facebook or twitter, you may want to think again. Blogger, Doriano "Paisano" Carta thinks states that, "blogging among teens and young adults has declined dramatically from 28 percent to 14 percent from 2006 to 2009." And Steve Rubel of Mashable Mind Map says, "blogging’s future will likely flow down one of two paths: either it will evolve and grow into something else (like many species have) or it will succumb to Darwinism and become extinct (like the Dodo)." But in order to truly know what the future of blogs entail, we can only wait to see.

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