Friday, February 18, 2011

Assignment Three: Ethical Blogging

What is ethical blogging? When mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is respect. I believe that in order to blog ethically, the blogger must respect their content and who’s involved in it. Another word that comes to mind is integrity. states, “Integrity is the cornerstone of credibility,” and I couldn’t agree more. If you have integrity, then you have respect, which means you also have good ethics. Ways of going about this includes: honesty, open-mindedness, and accountability. Give credit where credit is due and do not plagiarize. If you get an idea or a picture from a source, let the reader know where it came from. Also, be aware of others and their feelings. An open mind is the key to success. If you avoid bashing and bias opinions on controversial matters, a lot more people are going to be willing to listen to what you have to say. And last, if you mess up, own it. Be accountable for everything you say and do. People are watching you!
As a newbie in the world of blogging, I am quick to watch my Ps and Qs. Many of us have learned the hard way that you can say something in text, and the context be taken completely differently by the reader. You can seem angry when you’re sad, or threatening when you’re genuine. Image yourself as the reader and you can better judge what mood and message you’re getting across.

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